Thursday, June 14, 2012

Is That The Reason Why?

My favorite Disney is Aladdin.
Loving the 'prince' and princess in this cartoon.
So is that the reason why I want to marry an Indian???

Thursday, June 7, 2012

07 June 2012

Today is going to be an emotional day for me.
Sending two people off.
One to Tekong, another to united states.
And not forgetting its your birthday, which brought back a lot of memories.

However, tmr will be a good good day for me cos ITS FRIDAY!
*rebecca black, Friday*

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

This Feeling Sucks

Feeling really sucky when I have to use my own money for business transaction in future.
GOD arhhhh help me!!

Saturday, May 26, 2012

吃吧吃吧 二零一二

Our Second Station- Plain waffles!
Our Forth Station- Sitting along the street while waiting for the seats
Finally got our Ah Balling Tan Yuan, all looking forward to this dish!

Finally our last station- Hokkaido Ice Cream, and this is where our photo spamming session begins
Get what I mean by photo spamming session?
Photo taken with my beloved disciple- Sham Wan Yi
And we managed to complete our mission by reciting a poem- By DI SHENG, Inspired from MRT
More photos will be uploaded in Facebook, so do check it out if you are interested.