Friday, December 23, 2011

Busy Winzy Lemon Squeezy

I'm so busy busy busy
That my blog is dying dying.
BUT, I will update more when I'm back from Hong Kong.
Till then........

Wednesday, December 7, 2011


Been really busy with school work and the events around.
And everything has come to a close.
However, there are still more to come.
God has really been so kind to me. Giving me strength throughout this whole period of time.
Though many times I will tend to use my own strength, He never fails to use all situations and friends to remind me to seek Him for strength. SO in the end, I still have to bow my head really low and turn to God, walking really slowly towards Him, and He never fail to embrace me with a smile. To men, many things are impossible, but in God all things are possible.
God is really good to me!