Tuesday, May 29, 2012

This Feeling Sucks

Feeling really sucky when I have to use my own money for business transaction in future.
GOD arhhhh help me!!

Saturday, May 26, 2012

吃吧吃吧 二零一二

Our Second Station- Plain waffles!
Our Forth Station- Sitting along the street while waiting for the seats
Finally got our Ah Balling Tan Yuan, all looking forward to this dish!

Finally our last station- Hokkaido Ice Cream, and this is where our photo spamming session begins
Get what I mean by photo spamming session?
Photo taken with my beloved disciple- Sham Wan Yi
And we managed to complete our mission by reciting a poem- By DI SHENG, Inspired from MRT
More photos will be uploaded in Facebook, so do check it out if you are interested.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Will My Dream Comes True

Last night I dreamt that I live in a Semi-D, and the house is soooooo NICE!!!
Its full of the things I love!
Classic comics, Toy models, lots of bookshelves filled with books and many many more.
Its sooooo NICEEEE!
I remember I was living there with my husband, and I saw who he was.
However, after I woke up, I can only remember the design and items in the house instead of him. HAHAHA

Friday, May 18, 2012