Monday, August 1, 2011


I have never consider the time spend on God as a waste of time. Instead, it is the most fruitful time.
Decided to walk home from yew tee.
It may sound crazy because if I were to spend this amount of time doing my school work instead of walking home, the amount of work I have to do as compared to now will be lesser.
However, I chose to spend this time pouring out to God and my burden, my stress and anxieties were all taken away. I felt joy and peace, knowing that nothing is too difficult for my God. Knowing that with God all things are possible. This encounter and freedom is so much more better as compared to me sitting in front of my laptop, doing my schoolwork.
( Of cos, this doesn't mean i stop doing my school work)
All in all....
Never push God away because of our tight schedule. All the more we should seek and put Him first. Because He reward those who honor Him. His blessings are to those who remain faithful to Him.
Safety and security can never be found except in God.

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