Saturday, October 15, 2011

Desert Song

Yesterday, during lifegroup Praise and Worship, God lead us into this song by Hillsong- Desert.
It was amazing how God spoke through this song, and how Holy Spirit actually lead us through. As I first get to understand this song, I knew that this is going to be a powerful song. There is so many things installed for us in this song! God is still God. In all circumstance, in every season, He never change. He is still who he say he is. He is still on the throne of heaven, He still rules. Sometimes, we don't understand the reason why he allowed certain things to happen to us, that caused us to be so broken, so lost, so fearful and so alone. However, we know that despite of all this, we still have to worship him. We have to keep singing and praising him. And if we choose to give praise to God despite of all these circumstance, satan has lose what he is trying to achieve. Choose to stand and glorify God in the midst of our tragedy. It's okay that we we don't fully understand about everything that is happening, but sometimes just being able to look at God and sing what is true of him. Being able to declare the word of God and declare the promises of God, which is that, when we are in the fire, in the midst of all the trial and pain, we are actually being refined. Just like how a porcelain jar is being refine under fire. And when we are in the battle, when triumph is not here yet, but we know that it is coming. When we look at God and said " I know this is who you are", he does gets bigger in our life, he will takes over the things in us that feels so shattered, and it makes him the focus, he will begin to put those things back together.
As I was typing this, I was listening to the testimony of Jill McCloghry. Most of the things were mentioned by her. She said all this despite the lost of her very first born baby. All the more I know that God is able to heal all the pain. All the more I know that despite of all the circumstances, God still deserve to be praise.
Isaiah 55:8-9
8 “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the LORD.
9 “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.

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