Friday, July 15, 2011

Child of God

Oh Lord, you’re beautiful,

Your face is all I seek,

For when your eyes are on this child,

Your grace abounds to me.

I want to take your word and shine it all around.

But first help me to just, live it Lord.

And when I’m doing well, help me to never seek a crown.

For my reward is giving glory to you.

Oh Lord, please light the fire,

That once burned bright and clear.

Replace the lamp of my first love,

That burns with Holy fear.

What we do does not define us. But what define us is who we are in Christ, we are the child of God. We are not defined by what we do, but what we do is simply an expression of who we are. We need to stop comparing ourselves and start being ourselves. It is not about failing or succeeding. It is about being the very best you were created to be.

Live not to impress, but live to be who God has created you to be, which is yourself!

And now I finally understand why we always say: This is the truth and the truth shall set you free!

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