Monday, July 11, 2011

Soar like an Eagle

Once again, I was reminded that God planned for me to soar like an eagle, not crawl like a tortoise. He want me to soar high above the ground. Soar high above the mountains of obstacles. Because I am no longer bounded, no longer chained, I am free. He want me to soar high. Likewise, I believe He want all His beloved children to soar high. So that people can see His goodness through us.

Looking at jackkee, I begin to reflect upon myself. Hearing what Pastor Song had preached, I begin to reflect upon myself. Knowing that Jerry had an encounter with God each time during his qt, I begin to reflect upon myself. Seeing Jasper giving his best in his work, I begin to reflect upon myself.

God is telling me, its not whether I can or not, but whether I want it or not.
I have a choice to choose between being an eagle or a tortoise.
Cast aside my capability, for God is not looking for that.
He search the heart. He search for a heart that is willing, that has the desire.

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