Friday, September 23, 2011

Do Good Without Expecting Anything In Return

As I was waiting for bus 985 yesterday, I began to ponder. My mind wandered to this conversation I had with one of my lg member. We were discussing on the issue regarding friendship. I remember that was a conversation for her. However, as I was waiting at the berth, I realized that it was for me as well. We all have good friend(s), and unknowingly, we will place expectations on them, especially the times we did something for them. Believe it or not, when a similar situation happens to us, we expect our good friend(s) to do the same for us. And if they don't, we will begin to doubt this friendship and wonder what are we to them. However, the Bible clearly stated that we ought to do good without expecting anything in return. Which means, we should not put expectations on them each time when we do good to them. Or else, we might end up being disappointed or upset. Instead, being in a friendship, we should serve them joyfully.

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