Sunday, September 18, 2011

Sweet September

1 september 2011
Birthday card for Pinfen.
The heartbeat of God is people.
To love others, to serve others and to give others.

11 september 2011
A card for Lumei.
"A Good Shepherd"
When God reminded me of how I should honor my leaders.

17 september 2011
Birthday card for Gilbert.
Thinking of what I should draw for gilbert and these thoughts came into my mind.
Serving your country knowing that God is always with you.
Press on and press through even though it is hard.
1 sameul 17:45
"Facing the Giants."

18 september 2011

A card for a good friend of mine who is leaving for cambodia to impact people lives for God.

A friend whom reminded me of chicken.

While drawing this, this phrase comes into my mind.

" I am small, but I have a big GOD."

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